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"Chief" Weight Information: Power Cleans: 135 pounds (95 kilograms) for males, 95 pounds (65 kilograms) for females. "Chief" Workout: 3 rounds of: 3 minutes of work 1 minute of rest between rounds Each round consists of: 3 Power Cleans 6 Push-ups 9 Air Squats Tips: Manage Your Rounds: Since it's an AMRAP with built-in rest, aim to maintain a consistent pace throughout each 3-minute round. Pacing the Power Cleans: The power cleans can become challenging as the rounds progress. Break them up strategically to avoid fatigue. Efficient Push-ups: Focus on maintaining proper push-up form. If needed, scale the number or modify the push-up to ensure good technique. Quick Air Squats: Air squats are bodyweight movements, so aim to keep a steady and quick pace to maximize your rounds. Benchmarks: The benchmark for "Chief" can vary widely, but a good target is often around 20 rounds or more. Elite athletes may achieve 25 rounds or more. Beginners might aim for 10 ro
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